It’s not often that you can have your cake and eat your carrots, too! Carrot cake has been around for ages and has its roots all over the world in places like England, France, Switzerland and the United States. It’s a deliciously different recipe that’s perfect for a springtime celebration or a crowd-pleasing treat any time of year!
You’re probably wondering why anyone would think to put a vegetable in a cake, right? Those are basically opposites! Well, there’s a pretty interesting (and tasty) explanation as to how this recipe came to be.
Believe it or not, carrots have been used in place of sugar for centuries! Sweeteners were often scarce or expensive, so people had to get creative with what they had at home. Since carrots are one of the sweetest and most accessible veggies out there, the use of carrots as natural sweeteners only made sense.
The practice of using carrots in desserts started in medieval times. Cooks would make a type of “pudding” with boiled carrots, spices, flour and eggs. Once ovens were more readily available, it became much more popular to bake desserts instead of boiling or steaming them. Adding more flour and fat to the mix is what eventually gave carrot cake that lighter, fluffier texture we all know and love today.
The combination of carrots and spices in desserts has been around for a long time. That means there are many different recipes, and everyone’s got their favorite! Take a look at some of these recipes and see if one or more of them can sweeten up your life.
If you’re new to carrot cake, try making it our favorite way! It’s a classic recipe with a twist — chocolate! Get creative with your carrot cake and add HERSHEY’S Milk Chocolate Chips or HERSHEY’S SPECIAL DARK Chocolate Chips for some extra sweetness.
These cake pops feature a moist carrot cake center and are covered in a rich coating of sweet, melted HERSHEY’S Cream Cheese Flavored Chips. Great as a treat for the kids or a quick dessert for a spring party.
Enhance the recipe you know and love with some REESE’S Peanut Butter Chips! This carrot cake will be a new favorite with the peanut butter lovers in your life. It’s also one of our most popular Easter recipes, so hop to it!
These portable little carrot cakes are the perfect bite of moist cake, rich cream cheese frosting and sweet milk chocolate. A yummy treat for bake sales or any kind of group celebration.
Yes, of course! Check out this deliciously easy recipe for Carrot Cake.
The main ingredient in carrot cake is, of course, carrots! But most recipes include cinnamon, nutmeg, walnuts and even raisins. You can add whatever you’d like to make the dessert your own.
A lot of recipes for carrot cake use toasted walnuts or pecans. But if you prefer a nut-free version, feel free to leave them out.
There’s not a lot that’s different between the two recipes, which is why people sometimes mistake them for one another. What makes carrot cake a carrot cake is, you guessed it, carrots! Spice cake lacks carrots, but it does have more spices like ginger and allspice.
Hopefully you agree that the idea of veggies in your dessert is tastier than it sounds! Warm spices, naturally sweet carrot and cream cheese frosting make this recipe so delicious, it’s no wonder carrot cake is so popular around the world. One bite of this cake will have you including these recipes in your celebrations all year round!